Thursday 19 November 2015

Word review

Microsoft office Word Review
Office 2013 has a new design language from Microsoft called Metro UI. Thsi puts your document centre stage with the tool ribbon faded slightly in the background. The UI is made for touch if a setting is flipped and buttons become bigger and more spacious for Windows 10 touch devices such as Surface Pro 4. However this can be very inefficient.
Image and video embedding is now easier as they can be directly embedded without having to save them first and new alignment guides that appear to help centre or align images or set text wrap.

PDF documents can also be converted into document files to be edited with all of the layout that was in the original PDF.

The simplification of the interface means that some functions have been lost or hidden or have become more complicated to find and use than before.For example AutoCorrect features have disappeared from the right click menu so you have to enter a settings menu to add corrections you want to use.

- Touch Friendly
- Simple interface
- New useful functions such as importing video and alignment grids

- Difficult to use simple features
- Inefficient with a keyboard and mouse
- PDF import still has formatting issues

Overall Word 2013 has been optimised for touch related devices that are more common with Windows 10 but has sacrificed some usability for this simplification of the program.

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