Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Processor notes

  • The processor is the brain of the computer
  • It carries out the mathematical and logical operations which are needed for programs and activities within the CPU
  • It is one of the most expensive parts of a computer.

Machine Language:
This is the Language that the processor or CPU can understand.
This type of code is understood by the CPU and Processor and it's called machine code.

Source code;
Source code is written and understandable for humans, it is a high level language.
In order for machine code to be created from the source code a compiler is needed. this coverts the high level language into the machine code.
compiler converts the source code into machine code.

Important information about processor architecture;

Each processor architecture has its own unique instruction set
The compiler has to know the target architecture (in the process of converting source code into machine code)

The length of the code varies when it is converted by the compiler:
For example - 1 line of source code may be multiple lines of machine code.

Machine code is binary versions of instructions
  • Opcode -The action or operation to be performed on a set of data
  • Operand- the data itself or the location where the data is stored

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